Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Wed eve song(s)?

For some reason, this evening's song to get stuck in my head is Santeria? What tragic lyrics! Well, the uncensored ones. Hah. I always thought the end of the song was "my soul would like to weep," but that's not how the song goes. It looks like they had to make the video after the singer died, which is sad. But, what a corny, funny video...and, what a cute dog! Go, Santeria...and now, back to completing other monotonous yet necessary tasks...
And then? And then I turn on the radio and that same song from yesterday (Karibu Ya Bintou) was playing, precisely at the beginning. Kind of interesting when that kind of thing happens. And! I learn a new word. Amanecer. Because when I checked the playlist to make sure it was the same song, it was messed up for some reason and this Volver - Ana Tijoux was what it said. She kind of reminds me of Bebel Gilberto.
So I looked up the lyrics and didn't know "amanecer." Hmmm. Maybe I'm supposed to continue this trend I've had lately of getting up earlier...

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