Tuesday, October 15, 2024

When a place gives you nightmares and you have to leave, there's a reason.

"Maloney said his eyes opened to what he deemed 'a lack of institutional control' and a 'culture of discrimination'"

~ Alex Schultz 


Which is too bad! Because for a while it was more of a good learning experience to be there. And I know other people had good experiences there, too! But nevertheless, that creepy and unsafe  feeling that comes from knowing that too many people (both men and women) with power and responsibility and advanced degrees can be persuaded to magically unsee discriminatory attitudes in exchange for delusions of security...it's a health hazard. 

"Former head coach suing Mt. SAC for gender discrimination"


"Mt. SAC will not take action against..."


"Listen. This wasn't sexual assault. A jury found it was not sexual assault."

"18-36521 Aarefah Mosavi v. Mt. San Antonio College"


I got nightmares, and panic attacks, and so I had to leave. I had to lose money and not work for over a year. Even now, I realize that there are some people, both men and women, who will earn advanced degrees and get tenure and will choose to magically unsee unhealthy practices and they will oppress women and girls in exchange for a paycheck, just to feel more secure in a patriarchal system, and it was completely demoralizing to realize that.

Well, this the world we live in, sometimes.

One hopes that it might get better over time.

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