Saturday, October 26, 2024

Oh wow! It's Caturday already.

I feel like saying something that's not about cats though... It's about people and their Uncaring Patriarchal Society. 

It can be painful to realize that some people want to act like they are so fine with the current societal norms that they have taken great pains to feel very cozy with them, to the extent that they will automatically shut down and contribute to the dehumanization of anyone else who has a different reality, because it's too threatening to them, and it's like they are repeating those old patterns now, when in the past, you thought they were capable of being much better than that.

Like, when people discriminate against people who don't have kids or who weren't able to have kids, or for a variety of reasons it just wasn't what was possible for either their body or their economic situation or something...It's actually, not just feels like a form of dehumanization and almost like persecution and an attempt to kill off a real aspect of the human experience. 

There are people who just don't want to know how much they were trained to discriminate against others, and so they will shut down any evidence of other people having a different reality, and shut down their own humanity in order to preserve their egos.

It is sad that they would even do that to their own descendants, too; that they would shut down their own descendants' humanity, just because their descendants do not have their same genes.

You don't know how your descendants lives are going to turn out. 

They're not going to be able to choose to have a life that's like your life was.

So what does all this have to do with it being Caturday?

Well, this type of socially-induced insensitivity to others is why cats might seem like they are better and more honest company than some people are, sometimes.

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