Thursday, July 04, 2024

Wow, pretty amazingly rendition of the national anthem

"If you're going to watch one video today - let it be this.  The beautiful sound of freedom.

Today, 4th of July, as the United States of America celebrate the Independence Day, let us remember all the brave warriors who fought for: 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'"

Roman Sheremeta πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ on X:

Well, about to venture outside on a very special day!

"It's a cult.  I lived in rural North Dakota for 4 years for the entirety of Trump's presidency.  This is not an exaggeration from Family Guy."


It's 2024 and I enjoy being able to take a day to cook.

Three different types of salads made with quinoa pasta!

Yes, I do care about the human rights of my descendants.

Why don't you just say your rights in your next lifetime which for all you know could be tomorrow or it could be in 10 years or it could be longer than that. But anyway I think that will get you to feel more motivated maybe.

Making cupcakes today!!!! Need some background music.🎡

"Never Go Walking Out Without Your Hat Pin. C. #1920s"


Just progressing and evolving in her own way...

Catherine Tate - "Gay Son"

Because why would that be good for Humanity???

I don't think the patriarch should be treated SO much worse in the next lifetime when he comes back in a different body.

That's life when you've got a tiny independent streak, I suppose.

I really do wonder how some parents, children and grandchildren can be way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way just plain old NICER to "the others" than they were trained to be?

Imagine using your freedom to force a 13-year-old rape victim to give birth, AND not letting her go to the library. SO that's what you do with your privilege!

Maybe choosing gross ignorance just to gain social acceptance and a temporary sense of comfort isn't actually a great excuse for the harmful effects of that flavor of self-absorption and cruelty.

zilla 🦭 on X: "Idaho: where a 13 year old is forced to carry out pregnancy but can’t go to the library"

So strangely uninterested in the diverse populations of their planet.

Those "genetically privileged" people (according to xyz) who seem to get so much pleasure from acting like others are worthless to society are only carrying out the instructions they inherited from their ancestral forefathers in exchange for materialistic comforts, or something?

Can You Offend Patriarchal Society with Your Very Existence this Holiday

zilla 🦭 on X: "Idaho: where a 13 year old is forced to carry out pregnancy but can’t go to the library"

On the way to an Idaho library in Our Great Nation, married ladies of means, who can own credit cards now, (unlike back before 1974), explain why you'd be SO much more valuable to society if you'd inherited a different physical model than the one you're currently learning so much about navigating!

To celebrate our independence!

Quirky wacky rich dudes explain why their nipples will never be as obscene as yours, and that's why they get EVERYTHING!

Wow, it's the 1930s by way of the 2020s...

"Real song from 1935 Lucille Bogan, Shave ‘Em Dry #1930smusic"


They think a nipple (only a female one) is "obscene."

I wonder what they think is good? And why? Who taught them to be like that? 

"Section 18-1514 – Idaho State Legislature"

18-1514.  OBSCENE MATERIALS — DEFINITIONS. The following definitions are applicable to this act:
1.  "Minor" means any person less than eighteen (18) years of age.
2.  "Nudity" means the showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area or buttocks with less than a full opaque covering, or the showing of the female breast with less than a full opaque covering of any portion thereof below the top of the nipple...."

Lists could be made.

"How to act as if I enjoy being discriminatory towards others, which might include my very own descendants, who will not have my exact same genetics, but also doing it in a way that really gratifies and feeds my ego, which got warped by Patriarchal Culture."

The meanness of ignorance.

"zilla 🦭 on X: 'Idaho: where a 13 year old is forced to carry out pregnancy but can’t go to the library'"

Really, the repetitive discriminatory patterns make me feel quite sick sometimes.

Just because patriarchy trained some people to discriminate more against certain kinds of women more than other kinds of women does not mean I should feel like I have to turn myself into either: A) The woman with supposedly superior genetics according to their cultural standards or B) A man with supposedly superior genetics according to their cultural standards.

Discrimination does not feel healthy or good for Humanity ~ me

Just because the patriarchy trained certain parents to be insensitive and discriminatory towards certain kinds of people doesn't mean it's a really good pattern to repeat for children or grandchildren or really any age of human being.

I don't think being so insensitive and discriminatory to others is all that great for the children, who will grow up and possibly continue those patterns.

Maybe some people really don't need to be as insensitive and discriminatory and egotistical as what the unwell patriarchal culture wanted.

The gynecologist posters say you should make babies or you're worthless, but then you have to deal with other parents.

The patriarchy really has trained some parents to be truly self-absorbed and terrible to certain members of society.

Breast is best to feed a baby if you're at the doctor's office, but obscene if you are in a library in Idaho?

Why aren't male chests just as obscene as female chests according to

"Section 18-1514 – Idaho State Legislature"

18-1514.  OBSCENE MATERIALS — DEFINITIONS. The following definitions are applicable to this act:
1.  "Minor" means any person less than eighteen (18) years of age.
2.  "Nudity" means the showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area or buttocks with less than a full opaque covering, or the showing of the female breast with less than a full opaque covering of any portion thereof below the top of the nipple...."


"Idaho law requiring libraries to remove materials deemed obscene..."

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

The now.

The universe may have arranged it so that I do believe in multiple lifetimes. However, I do think that there's something about being who you are now that is unique and irreplaceable.

People deserve to have really good lives.

It's been a weird day and a weird time. I hope the good life comes to more people soon.

Do you like yourself???

So you don't like x type of people and you don't like y type of people and you don't like z type of people.

Who do you like?

So much details.

"How to avoid or know..."

~ Miguelito

One of these is not like the other...


"Sesame Street: One of These Kids is Colder Than the Others"

I'm going to try a bitter melon and egg stir fry, and someone's going to have to grow the bitter melon and eggs for me.

"What I eat in a day"


"What we eat as a Vietnamese and German couple"


"How to have a happy relationship"


It's weird how I like cilantro, but I also understand why some people don't like it.

I wonder what gene that is.

"Why Cilantro Can Taste Like Soap, According to Science"

Another morning, full of choices. Another lifetime! Also full of choices.

I had some soup with cilantro and now I'm considering a freshly baked pastry.

Chill outfits. Cool music.

 "Out here protecting 'black jobs'"

~ Timmy Tim

"Black People’s Responses To Trump’s Notion Of ‘Black Jobs'"

Dude. Where is my breakfast?

"Biden administration sued by Georgia over plan..."

"New Florida law bans local heat protections for workers"

"Study: There aren't enough stock photos of farmworkers"  

More jokes...

 "At his 'black job'"

~ Timmy Tim

"Trump and Rubio try to defend ‘Black jobs’ comment"

What a joke! Lol, Patriarchal ppl.

"Former President Hillary Clinton’s name appears multiple times in Jeffrey Epstein’s phone logs, and a sworn affidavit alleges she forced two young boys to engage in sodomy as she watched. Fortunately for Mrs. Clinton, the media is more interested in her opponent’s age."

Be more truthful.

What about "How to bravely stop acting like everyone who didn't have as many privileges as you got from the patriarchal white supremacy is worthless, even though that's what you were trained to do and that's what you got accustomed to doing."

That is patriotic!

"So I think this is the best costume for the day #greygardens #littleedie #patriotic"


So many reasons.

It really is impossible to be as narcissistic as Ancestor X.

Well, I wasn't in binging mode recently.

But I am curious about the next few episodes.

"Hitler’s Olympics Part 1: The Blue-Eyed Tornado"

Excited that "1940s Breakfast Nook" came.

The puzzle I didn't buy when it was on sale at Tuesday Morning (back when some of us were still wearing masks all the time) and in the back of my head I just kept wanting to find it again.

"1940s Breakfast Nook 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle"

Sorry, just reading some history. I suppose it's early.

"US has 'undeniable complicity' in Gaza war killings say former US officials"


"Outfits inspired by German cities"


Time to research pants!

"How to dress like German bf"


"When my Viet parents meet my German bf"


"No hugging in front of Asian parents"


Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Kinda surprising...

"When I speak German with my bf’s parents"


"My 20s #beautystandards"


"Thanks honey ❤️"


"Bike protection 101"


I picked the same stickers that look like owls at a store in California. The store is called Dollar Tree. Now I wonder where the stickers are made.

What do you suppose the medical profession will look like in 100 years or so?

What do you suppose it will look like in 500 years?

That's mean. They made my dinner possible.

"Study: There aren't enough stock photos of farmworkers"

No, raise your standards.

"On the other hand, I am kind of impressed that they probably have the resources to hire a kick-ass team of cheerleaders who could do cartwheels and flips," said a voice I wasn't entirely sure I liked hearing.

"Are you Team Coco? Show your team pride..."