Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Plus, sometimes it takes a while to get the kind of help that you need.

Sometimes it seems as though there's some brothers who maybe "get it" a little more quickly than others. They can be helpful by role modeling "getting it" for their other brothers, who don't seem to want to listen to certain kinds of *women,* (and maybe that's why they don't "get it" quite as quickly?)

Because everyone's had different kinds of childhoods, and different types of emotional wounds from those childhoods, and different ways of dealing with their traumatic experiences, and those are things which probably should have been addressed sooner rather than later.

But many were suppressed by the patriarchal society, which has led some people to feel like they need to channel their angry or sad feelings in destructive ways rather seek other, healthier options such as therapy, (which also is not a "quick fix" by the way, is it?)

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