Monday, May 22, 2023

Documentary vs Movie Version

"Were the men who beat Mark Hogancamp neo-Nazis?

No. This is the movie's biggest fabrication with regard to the true story. In real life, Mark's assailants did admit to beating him because he told them he was a cross-dresser, which would make it a hate crime, but they weren't actually neo-Nazi white supremacists like in the movie. One of the real-life attackers, a 16-year-old nicknamed 'Black Freddy," wasn't even white. However, to reinforce the point, the movie even shows one of the men with a swastika tattoo on his bicep. Both in the Marwencol documentary and in the articles written about Mark Hogancamp, including in The New York Times, there was never a mention of his assailants being neo-Nazis. They also appear a bit older in the film. In real life, two of the five attackers were still teenagers."

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