Monday, May 22, 2023

Another thing that happened today.

I had to pay attention to how some words were being used again, because I remembered that when I left my old position, even though there were various things that bothered me (jokes by the person in charge about violence against women which weren't, to my way of thinking, properly analyzed, going around and asking students which methods of suicide they'd choose, putting down "Si Se Puede" as if the sentiment behind it was too naive...and also, forgotten until today, telling people that the most interesting way to begin a paper had happened in the past when a student writer opened the essay with the phrase, "Hitler had the right idea.")

You see, at the time, I didn't think much of it. I wasn't offended, because I just assumed the person in charge meant he liked students to be provocative and find a way to get attention.

But then I read this article:

"Does it matter that Hitler had traces of Jewish ancestry?"

"In a moment of mixed sadness for the lost symbol of hope and amusing irony for Hitler’s overdue circumcision, I read through the comments at the bottom of the page. I then stumbled across a posted statement that shattered both my blues and chuckles, replacing them with straight up fear." 

~ Debra Flax

What upset this writer so much? A comment in which the poster said, among other things, "Hitler had the right idea."


I can't write about this right now.

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