Sunday, November 20, 2022

I am so grateful for certain remedies and more

In lieu of ice cream, progesterone cream, cannabis oil, homeopathic remedy for stress, a hot shower, and Epsom salts on the skin.

Bring this person back to life.

If we can cook this evening and perhaps do a puzzle or even watch a show...high five. 

You know when you've reached the limit of going a certain way, and now it's time to be going in another direction. 

The healing direction. 

The painful truth was faced and now you are deserving of going in a more healing direction.

Please remember you can do it. Even if it seems unsafe. Because you got too used to trauma. Trauma was known. Trauma felt safer.

Yes your genetics and diet can be a part of it all. Your walk is not another's walk. Your walk...

What else could we put on this walk?

Wasn't it nice to have a colors and paintings of flowers in the shower today?

Thank you for every healing blessing.

Thank you for happy cottagecore girls although we might have gotten a bit depressed and felt like an alien. How do they do that. Genetics, too.

Thank you for water and for Epsom salt.

There are people praying for healing. There are people experiencing healing.

It's possible to know and feel all that and get back onto the path that was better and true~er. Too.

Beautiful Wisdom will return and it has already begun...making it's way the one who wishes for more Beautiful Wisdom to return.

Thank you for coming back.

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