Thursday, September 29, 2022

"I'm sorry"

"But they also trickled down to ordinary people on Twitter, who seemed surprisingly eager to stand up for CEOs rather than workers. Disney and Hughes both say that attitude is reflective of how corporate tycoons have been elevated to celebrities since the 'Greed is good' days of the ’80s.

'There's been several decades of building toward that kind of worship,' Disney notes. 'We are worshiping them for making money, both for investors, but also for themselves. They have cultivated this idea that no one else can do the job they do — that they are so uniquely talented and so special that nobody can replace them. I'm sorry, but I don't buy that.'"

~ E. Alter

"Abigail Disney wants Disney diehards to 'pay attention' to how theme park workers are paid: 'Cinderella is sleeping in her car!'"

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