Sunday, April 24, 2022

"...women in other parts of the world really trust these systems..."

"The US signed a peace deal with the Taliban alone – excluding women and the people of Afghanistan, diminishing the chances for a political settlement between the Taliban and Afghan people. The US-Taliban deal paved the way for the Taliban political take-over of Kabul. And with it, the removal of public spaces for millions of Afghan women and education opportunities for at least 5 million girls."  

~ Wazhma Frogh

"To global women leaders, feminists’ movements, women and human rights activists internationally, I ask: are the rights of Afghan women not relevant anymore? The US government has certainly turned a blind eye to them. And if the international rhetoric, laws and UN Resolutions do not protect the rights of Afghan women and girls, can women in other parts of the world really trust these systems?"

~ Wazhma Frogh

"Opinion: Locked out of classrooms, Afghan girls are taking drastic measures" - CNN

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