Thursday, April 21, 2022

Disappointment happens!

It's just when I compare knowing a person who has been through so many things and tried many different professions while negotiating PTSD and during the pandemic was working at a hospital in the OR and taking online computer classes and eventually  worked her way up to a full-time position and salary in a hospital using those skills just like society says you should and now thanks to inflation and student loan payments she still can't be sure she can afford to rent a one bedroom apartment even though it's in a farther away less expensive area

to the just plain old-fashioned male entitlement and insensitivity and rudeness of some other people who are always getting a pass from others and are rewarded for that behavior whereas I and many others never would be (nor do we want to be, I would say)

It seems like Society is still Super Patriarchal and Unhealthy.

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