Saturday, February 20, 2021

Violence against women is a problem

"Emergency calls on violence against women spiked in Mexico in 2020" 

I had a dream in which a Mexican man was trying to kill a Mexican woman, but he got distracted by seeing me (wanted to kill both of us), and then she took advantage of the moment to beat the crap out of him. She also gave him a lecture while she was doing it.

To get more detailed, in the dream, I was there, and I saw him sneak up behind her with cloths to blind and choke her, but I couldn't speak or say anything and I felt unhappy about it. However, he was so distracted that he moved away from her towards me and it gave her time to collect herself and she saw what she could use to bring him down and also tell him what she thought of his actions. The last thing I remember was being next to both of them. She used her hands and feet and a very heavy barrel of some kind of white powder. All he could say was that he hated women. He looked very pathetic by the end of it.

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