Tuesday, January 26, 2021

(But wait) radio makes a soul tired of this day

In this location.

Is it dangerous to assume? Like when you are assuming that when the DJ plays clips of a maniacal audience worshipping their god, it doesn't sound to him like an auditorium of college girls crying while watching the clip where the woman gets raped in The Accused (from the DreamWorlds documentary.)

The counselor was late and not very effective.

The experience ended with a stirring story of a young woman in the audience who revealed that she got raped and chose to keep her baby (a daughter) and after that we saw them sometimes in the dorm. The mom was 18 or 19 and the daughter was 5 or 6.

There was also a young woman in the audience who said a family friend she had trusted raped her in her own house, maybe even while the family was not very far away at all.

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