Sunday, April 05, 2020

You can appreciate the details

"The housekeepers typically make between $11 and $12 per hour and do not receive hazard pay, he said.

Housekeepers said that as of last week, they are no longer required to clean the rooms with COVID-19 patients in them, though they still clean the rooms upon discharge and emergency room areas where positive-testing patients are treated.

And, they said, there seems to be a hierarchy on who gets protective equipment, with preference going to the clinical staff, rather than cleaning crews and other support services."

~ R. Rutledge

"CDC guidelines suggest nurses and others already in protective gear clean rooms with COVID-19 patients and that housekeepers can clean after the patients are discharged.

But the cleaning crews should not rush into the rooms, the guidelines suggest.

'We do not yet know how long (COVID-19) remains infectious in the air,' the CDC’s guidelines state.

Regardless, the environment services workers "should refrain from entering the vacated room until sufficient time has elapsed for enough air changes to remove potentially infectious particles.”

They should be equipped with gloves and gowns, at minimum, and masks and eye protection, in addition, “if splashes or sprays during cleaning and disinfection activities are anticipated.”

Hospitals across Wisconsin are advertising for job openings for environmental service managers and workers."

~ R. Rutledge

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