Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Yesterdays have impact

This Scottish influence at the service...

And then to this messenger.

To this very interesting read!

" I grew up in Hawaii. My father is a native Hawaiian activist and community organizer. And I like to say that growing up in an island culture is a unique experience because when you live on an island, you have to care about the welfare of the other people around you in order for yourself to survive. So that was sort of the underpinning of my entire formation."

"My mother is from New York, so she's not Hawaiian. And my parents are evangelical Christians — very conservative, evangelical Christian. So it was this wide encompassing island culture, and then the black and white rules of evangelical culture and what women are supposed to do. I never saw a woman in leadership in religious institution. I knew that women could only have influence in religious institutions by marrying the pastor."

Women's roles...For better & worse, I was influenced by women who sought leadership roles in conservative has been strange to flee what always held some attraction...sometimes think it would be fun to study more about churches...both the buildings and the communities...I have that streak in me...

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