Monday, December 23, 2019

Souls on Earth

"We hold sacred our responsibility to act in the best interest of all children, both our own and those of the greater family of God. We witness to the destructive short- and long-term effects on society that occur when such an eternal law is violated. We speak as those called to “protect and strengthen children and families” and plead for all elected officials and citizens to do the same. We ignore such violations at the peril of our individual and national souls."

"We spent the Sabbath mourning and praying for the families of the innocent who were gunned down Saturday in pre-meditated massacres in El Paso and Dayton, as well as for precious children of God killed in Gilroy last week. Familiar with the image of a Maker who weeps with us, we feel deep sorrow in our knowledge that the shooters are “without affection, and… hate their own blood” (Moses 7:29 and 33). We refuse to become numb or to believe that mass shootings are a way of life in America and will never accept this horror as inevitable or unstoppable. We actively pray that the hearts of men and women will change."

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