Friday, July 19, 2019


"Rep. Emanuel Cleaver suffered a bout of vertigo after Tuesday’s raucous House session that culminated in the Missouri Democrat abandoning his chair while presiding over the chamber. 

His dropping of the gavel in disgust—the most dramatic moment in the debate on a resolution condemning President Donald Trump’s tweets attacking four congresswomen as racist—came after Republicans invoked an obscure rule that prevents lawmakers from directly calling the president racist.

That night, Cleaver, who has episodes of the inner ear condition that can affect balance, returned to his Washington, D.C., apartment and became ill.

'The latest thing in my chart is presiding over the House of Representatives,' said Cleaver, who explained that his doctor keeps a record of activities leading to each flare up.

While Cleaver isn’t claiming that the House debate triggered his symptoms, he does suggest that they underscore the problems ailing Washington, which include the increasing lack of civility."

~ B. Lowry

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