Tuesday, December 18, 2018

*shake head again*

Ah, this is old...this is far too old....

“The White Man’s Burden”: Kipling’s Hymn to U.S. Imperialism

So apparently, even in the 2000-teens, if you are placed at the top in a system of patriarchy and never get any sort of help for how that must mess with your psyche, you are still too prone to abuse your so-called materialistic "power"...Yet some of these abusive people walk around with what seems to be an enormously painful victim complex that makes them mistrust most people, treat employees and families abusively, and continuously sabotage what might have been joyful relationships and connections with others due to fear, trauma, suspicion, dishonesty and controlling / bullying behavior patterns...

Why so much unnecessary discord? Maybe it came from early childhood lessons?


But even so, what a bright soul who was a child once and really did want to live well and be loved and love others and work with all kinds of people to make our sojourn on the planet better...who could listen to and work well with others...What is the solution? Find your soul and take better care of it, perhaps.

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