Monday, October 22, 2018

Late night thoughts

On the positive side: maybe cleaning is like reengineering a life..and paying down debt!

And the Affordable Care Act finally gave me the means to get an MRI, cat scans and regular tests during checkups, which doesn't fix it all, but at least it  legitimizes my situation to certain people...

...some scattered thoughts still...

...maybe not everyone feels they have the luxury of inquiring into their own state of health...even people in very different situations in their lives could still be suffering in other ways...

And sometimes there are people who kick into survival mode and choose to turn a blind eye to how their own untreated ailments can extend out to how they treat others...this can sabotage and ruin situations which could have been better...

People who abuse their positions of so-called "power" don't get to spread their unhealthy and despotic behavior patterns to everybody.

"The excuses that are made for certain people...society will probably never make those kinds of exceptions for you. Do not pick up or expect to be able to get by with those kinds of habits."

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