Saturday, April 28, 2018

When she says...

"Your ovaries, normally the size of a walnut, can grow to be the size of a cantalope...for me personally, I gained 8% of my body weight in 5 days..." (3:40-3:50)

A journey through infertility -- over terror's edge ~ Camille Preston

It sounds like she's inflicting PCOS on herself!

Ow. My body hurts.


Sorry if this is insensitive, and I'm not always sure if I believe it because cancer sounds so awful, but here it is again:

"A client of mine who had survived cancer herself said surviving cancer was nothing compared to navigating infertility. She said people just don't get it. They say the stupidest things." (9:05-9:15).

A journey through infertility -- over terror's edge ~ Camille Preston

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