Friday, November 25, 2016

When it's wee a.m. hour

I have to remind myself to be more awake and not use the search term "women's health" unless I'm looking for irritability. My phone gave me this. I guess that's creative. The writer was sad about the election too. Well. One is sad. One vows to to "be the change." And then one puts out an article about sex positions with titles like "Stuff the Turkey."

It gets one's mind off this sort of thing:


Omg it makes the brain hurt so much, so heavy.

I'm imagining this type of conversation going on elsewhere (subliminally).

"Don't let your daughter text that nude pic to that boy; he'll just pass it around to his friends and they'll all be gross about it."

"No, I can't think about it, I'm too busy reading 'Stuff the Turkey' sex tip stuff."

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