Sunday, November 27, 2016

Cultural phenomena

I watched a popular video someone made.

Towards the end of the video, a man's voice is yelling at the president-elect's son, "Don't you say redrum." (Another reference to The Shining?)

Now the guy's voice sticks in my head.


Speaking of that movie...

"'Going through day after day of excruciating work was almost unbearable,' Duvall told Roger Ebert in December of 1980. 'Jack Nicholson's character had to be crazy and angry all the time. And in my character I had to cry 12 hours a day, all day long, the last nine months straight, five or six days a week. I was there a year and a month, and there must be something to Primal Scream therapy, because after the day was over and I'd cried for my 12 hours ... After all that work, hardly anyone even criticized my performance in it, even to mention it, it seemed like. The reviews were all about Kubrick, like I wasn't there.'"

It would seem that Broken Masculinity is Punishing.

I'm sorry to say that I think the world is getting worse lately.

Although I've read that the crime and murder rate has actually been going down for years...


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