Monday, January 25, 2016

Books,dreams, and music
Had a dream that some writer in a book was lecturing me about how he respects petite women more for their athleticism.

Mysteries of Harris Burdick
Then I woke up, but if had spoken back to the text I'd say the following: 1) I really don't think "respect" has much to do with it. 2) Are you one of those guys who used to be out of shape and now you can't stand the idea of going back? In my experience, those can be the worst about judging women on physical appearances. 3) Lynne Cox, the non-petite athletic swimmer 4) I'm not gonna let your attitude ruin my ability to enjoy exercise (hiking, swimming, pilates, yoga, maybe do a 5 k or walk a half marathon)...okay four things are enough...

It's cool that youtube gives you access to a variety of female musical artists (unlike when I was a kid, and MTV was dominated by male artists and their particular views of women.) Those songs are also fun sometimes, but it's just not enough for me to be exposed only to them.

Fever Ray ~ When I Grow Up

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