Sunday, December 27, 2015


come out of the woodwork if weird things ever happen to you.

"Holy...I'm reading this and getting flashbacks of dreams I used to have..."

"Alice, described as wearing pigtails, a long dress, and a small apron, has been seen haunting the turret or tower room of the Victorian, often being seen in the upstairs tower room window. Alice is waiting for her mother and often plays with a young male ghost that also haunts the old Victorian. They reportedly play together on the mansion's gabled roof. She is a ghost who laughs a lot, and due to her love of cats, several of the building's resident felines could often be found in the tower room, usually sleeping near the window. It is believed Alice would actually pet the cats. Alice use to follow around one of the cleaning ladies as the woman went about her daily tasks."

~ The P.C. House 

Even if they're just little weird things.
Even if they're not really all that weird.
The other kind of weird people need to hear about it. 

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