Monday, March 23, 2015

maybe I'm amazed

I didn't realize that after I hit a certain age, I would start to see and feel things in a certain way that leads me to this conclusion:

If you're a woman, and you haven't gotten married, changed your name, and become pregnant and given birth to your own offspring, large swathes of society will send you all kinds of messages about your value...not very happy ones. Despairing, awful ones is more like it.

"Society" definitely includes both men and women.Lots of them are sending messages like this to women who either don't or can't do things in this certain traditional way.

I do not believe that society treats men this way. But maybe there are some men out there who might disagree...

Here's this thing about Egyptian men giving their moms back their name.

 I suppose it's meant to be inspiring, but...

Don't daughters have the power to give moms back their names ever?

Can't moms give their own names back to themselves? 

What about the women who never got pregnant in the first place?

Maybe they are so invisible, they aren't even worth addressing.

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