Friday, January 10, 2014

Life loves water

I feel inspired? Time to type what might need copy editing later. When it was "the holidays" I got a bit exhausted from all the traveling, even though there were some good times. Directly after my travels, I got to catch up with an old friend. We met in the lobby of this hotel. I admired what they did with the plants. They had live music, comfy chairs, free lemonade, and a coffee table with moss underneath glass. A person could get some writing done there. Anyways, since I was with a literary friend (who has officially published stuff, I mean creative poemy stuff, I haven't done that) I  mentioned that I enjoy reading about some artists and what they're up to. Oooh, lets see what some of them are up to now. They Say God Looks After Authors... This entry is great. Water + God + South Carolina + Stupidity in Braving the Elements yet Surviving = !!!! And this guy gets to miss water because he's in the desert! Awesome. And some great advice for the financially challenged: "how to live like a king for very little by thor" My personal opinion is that this list works best if you read it Chinese fortune cookie style. But, instead of saying "In bed," I'd throw in: "Especially if you have a penis" at the end of each line... To my surprise my friend had never heard of the two artists I mentioned. For all I know, she had not heard of the one from Seattle either, but I assume she had because we met there. But maybe not, who knows? We couldn't spend too much time talking about artists when other topics had to be addressed, such a snack foods. Friend doesn't eat anything with wheat in it. Recently I was eating some pretzels. I had a flashback memory of eating crusty pretzels in her presence when we were like 12 or something. I think the back of the package had some little story about pretzel shapes having a religious significance. We are no longer both pretzel eaters. How life changes things...She'd also never heard of "On A Boat" even though she professed a love of big white yachts we walked past and the words "on a boat" seemed like they were hovering over just about everything. And while my boyfriend was also surprised she hadn't heard of those artists, it was a greater disappointment to him that she had no concept of the importance of the Rose Parade.  Oh well! At the end of our rendezvous she was expectantly holding out her hand for a piece of gum when I pulled a pack out of my purse, that's what's important. Ugh, trying to be comprehensible when you have to run off and get dressed to go do something. 3-2-1- post "On a Boat" video...

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