Friday, December 20, 2013

Subsidence Inversion

Caller:  I sent in my application several days ago but I don't have a status update yet.

Call Rep.: Since your income is >15k, you automatically qualify for the state insurance. Those applications take 45 days to process. So that means...February.

Caller: But I was trying to sign up before the Dec. 23rd deadline to get covered on Jan. 1st.

Call Rep.: If you get sick, just tell the county.

Caller: I knew I qualified for the state health insurance this year, but I wanted to compare that with what I might pay for a Bronze Plan with a subsidy.

Call Rep.: You can cancel it and sign up for a private plan, but there will be no subsidy.

Caller: Why can't I get a subsidy?

Call Rep: Because of your income.

Caller: So since I make less than 15k, my income is too low for a plan with a subsidy?

Call Rep.: If you make over 15k, you can get a subsidy.

Things that don't get spelled out for you 'til you talk to someone.

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