Saturday, April 06, 2013

Name sounds like a flower to me

Just read this story: Phildel: 'I learned to visualise the sounds I could hear'

"There are, as she is the first to admit, vast 'holes' in her musical knowledge. She can't remember the names of pop stars. She talks about songwriting in terms of shape and colour. The title track on her debut album, The Disappearance of the Girl, represents, she says, the moment when, at the hands of her stepfather, she 'slipped from the moderate, liberal culture of [her] birth into a new world of silence and control.'"

"...It was the process of coming to terms with her unhappy childhood that allowed her, as she puts it, to 'realign herself with society' – though without the backup of her mother and younger sister, from whom she is estranged.

'I personally feel that my stepfather's behaviour was 100% psychology and nothing to do with the religion he used to justify his treatment of us,' she says today. 'It all came from the fact that he couldn't communicate. He was isolated, and men in general are not encouraged to seek emotional support the way women are – they cannot ask for help.'"

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