Sunday, December 16, 2012


Sometimes it does not seem like the world is getting that much better. From random mass shootings to a roommate coming home and talking about high school kids getting into really bad fights and being told he needs to be more strict with them "but I don't want to go back to the Phillipines with a heart attack!" And coworkers who say they had to be locked in an office for seven hours because of another shooter. Why does school have to be so dangerous? Now, some things have gotten better. For example, people are less homophobic than they used to be. But at the same time, I was just thinking of, oh, say for example, parents warning a kid by saying that being friends with other people is okay but watch out, because that culture is dangerous to women! is happening less? And then I read something like Jane's jihad and then I'm like, yeah right, that probably still happens all the time. 
People have delicate lives.

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