Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Um, so if this evening is any indicator, I'm not a book club person. Oh and by the way, everything's sexist. People are. Not trees so much. I heard that geese REALLY are. (Thinking of The Poultry Slam on This American Life.) That was a really cool story though. But possibly, I'm more of a "discuss stories over the phone with old grad school friends" person. And also, I just think I'm better at hanging out with crazy people. Which sometimes might just be...the crazy people in my head! She said. Sometimes I have a mini-crisis about what I should do about literature and then it's so ARRGH. I can study other things. Sometimes when I get in these moods I go on google and then I am sorry. I came across this--A Macabre Start--and--this was so very annoying--they had to say that so and so "held court last year surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women." FTS.

Sometimes the characters in Mad Men are annoying. But sometimes I like to watch that show...on the last episode I caught on Netflix, Joan yelled at Peggy in the elevator. "I'm just a meaningless secretary and you're a humorless bitch," said Joan. I had to find that quote in an article called Why Do The Mad Men Writers Make Betty Draper Such A Monster? Anyway, I think the lit festival article would've been much improved by (Insert Name Of Any Old Author) "held court, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful penises."

Mad Men may or may not be good for me? It's fun to watch. But I do suspect it's contributed to way too much drinking of beer and eating of Cheetos!

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