Saturday, October 29, 2011

You know how it can take years?

To put two and two together?
That happens sometimes.
Oh man. It just happened again.
O kay so.
First...Irene, photograph in photography textbook blah blah long time ago stuff okay.
Irene maid garden flower guy weird not good stuff weird unhealthy affair abuse flower okay. Tea is whistling now.
Okay...Part TWO: Modern day bad economy. Emails about a maid job. Make a portrait for a class and the teacher says it's very dreamlike and it's based on a photo taken in a garden and has a big purple swirl. Okay Part THREE: Muy bad day and trying to come back from the brink of awful thoughts. Seemingly connected with OLD STUFF. LIKE OLD FEELINGS. How to explain? Some other time maybe. Part 3 1/2: Next day is good, better feelings, but then find out someone committed suicide in front of an antique store like two blocks away (read about it in a story). Okay Part Whatever: Garden visits, Irene (not as maid but as a book character? to turn into musical, maybe? nevermind, no musical, um, for now...)
Part FOUR: Garden visits for years and music and strange attachment to song Datura.
Part FOUR point FIVE: The last 24 to 48 hours have been filled with fits exhaustion and needing to dive into a room and turn off all the lights and be really quiet.
Part FIVE: Drift Away from that story about the guy who killed himself and look at a story about local flowers. A flower that is here. She (the maid) went out to the garden at night and was entranced by a flower. Then the aristocrat guy came and the disastrous stuff...
A flower at night...a flower at night...equals....
The Moonflowers Bloom At Night
Also called "Devil's weed."
It was DATURA.
Oh you wonder why it takes so long. So many years.

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