Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hooray, Hooray

Sometimes I do the google images thing.
Shirley MacLaine and Tori Amos.
Personally, I like it. Screw this women are supposed to look barely legal all the time thing. (Ahem....Killing us softly...video I want to watch in more depth soon.)
Ms. Amos is a fantastic, brilliant (yes...) musician, good for her, too.
Ms. MacLaine wrote books I devoured as a youngster and is awesomely talented (acting and dancing) and thinks she was Charlemange's mistress, good for her.
Thank heavens people like them exist.
Hooray, Hooray...I like that Rilo Kiley song/video too.
Oh and hee hee...from here.
MacLaine: "It's very easy to be cynical like you are just now."
Wallace: "Skeptical. I reject the word."
MacLaine: "Well it had a panache of sarcasm in it."
Wallace: "OK, OK."
MacLaine: "A large dash of it."
Wallace: "Yeah. You really believe that you've lived lives before."
MacLaine: "There is no doubt in my mind about it."
Wallace: "Uh-huh. And you really believe in extraterrestrial ­ have they ­ do they come and visit you on the porch? Now you're being unpleasant, Wallace, is what you're saying.
MacLaine: "Yes. This is what I was a little afraid of."
Wallace: "Hold it!"
MacLaine: "Now, you don't have to be that unpleasant. It doesn't become you, you know? I mean, I'm just speaking of my own experiences and my own desires, and it's a kind of a childlike wonder that could really possibly speculate on other dimensions. What's wrong with that?"
Wallace: "Shirley, what the heck has all this got to do with singing and dancing? I mean this seriously."
MacLaine: "Because it's expression."
Wallace: "As we sit here and we talk, and it's ­ it's fascinating, good talk, and then I think about those long legs."
MacLaine: "Nothing wrong with lower chakra stuff at all. It's all part of the (same) body."

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