Sunday, July 12, 2009

Those conversational topics

Phone Call A) To move oneself or to stay put?
Phone Call B) Catching up on life. Mission Trip to Haiti. Mental illness. Suicides. Rehab. Abrupt ending; need to shop before 9.
Phone Call C) What it feels like to be the last person sitting in the row of cubicles, and then finding out that the company declared bankruptcy. The hail storm hit one part of the state and knocked out the electricity, while in another part, the caller ate Tom Yum cashews (too much cheap, bland food lately) while leaning up against the car and admiring the amazing sky. Mmmm, flavor. You want to just jump into it, 5,000 times more bewitching than a Bob Ross painting.
Phone Call D) 30-Something Girl Z hears about how one girl peddles after another girl around a lake. 30-Something Girl X (shouting): I talked to a hairy guy from Argentina on the internet. He has the biggest dick I've ever seen. Have you ever seen an *uncircumscribed* penis? 30-Something Girl Y (peddling faster, thinking): I'm not going to shout about my sexual life while we're riding our bikes in a park!
100% off-peak minutes.
Let's listen to this again. I'm addicted!

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