Monday, May 18, 2009

Hi, song that used to play off a cassette

a lot, about 10 years ago. One of many!
Como Te Voy Olvidar.
I remember that there was a popular one that, in part, went "matare el maricon" but it seems to not be floating around much these days. In the rainforest, I was told that there was a fruit (I can't remember which fruit) that men couldn't partake too much of, because it would make them behave like a "maricon." But it didn't work that way for women.
Well. This is sad. I looked up someone very prominent in my life back then. A person with a combination of faults and stellar qualities. I found their name, and the name of the one who sent me the long ago apenas de entender tus palabras pero me parecen enojadas message, and also I find these words: Diaro, Edicto, y Violencia Familiar. So, it reminds me that it is good to pray for those who do not have such happy lives. And it is good to appreciate people you have known who had a very gentle nature. It might help others to cultivate their own.

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