Saturday, September 03, 2005

If all goes well...

tomorrow I will be taking my first day trip to New York City, ever! I think in the morning I'll drive to New Jersey and I'll be meeting some friends from Maryland and Philly. How exciting!
This trip has been too long in coming.

I've been to Long Island before and I went to the Kennedy airport when I was six, but that doesn't really count.


Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to travel to New York! I have never been to the Eastern side of the states. I've heard it called 'The Concrete Jungle'. But Central City Park is suppose to be nice. We have Stanley Park here in Vancouver. It is green and full of little black squirrels running everywhere.

The Flomblog said...

If you are a museum junkie - NYC is magnificant. go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art - set aside a full day. It is unbelievable - everything from MAsterpieces to Jewels to medeivel armor. A bit north is the American Museum of natural history and the hatden Planetarium.

New York can be magnificant