Thursday, October 28, 2004

aditi? usha?

I wasn't paying any attention to the whole seasonal costume thing, but my roommate has been going crazy with her sewing machine and some gorgeous reddish material she bought from local large chain store. Then I remembered an outfit of similar material that a friend gave me over five years ago. The outfit is from India, and at the time I was going out with an Indian guy, but I wouldn't have worn it around him (I had a fear of being perceived as a culturally insensitive white girl). It is quite beautiful and elaborate, it even has little mirrors embedded in the intricate embroidery and I think I'm finally going to wear it. I've been reading a translation of a medieval French work (Christine de Pizan's Epistle of Othea) which in part talks about astrology and some pagan dieties (such as Aurora, the goddess of the dawn.) Red seems a good color to associate with the sun's rays or how they color the sky so I was thinking of going as Usha, the Hindu goddess of the dawn. Or else Aditi, the mother goddess, gave birth to twelve sons/astrological signs, and some sources seem to associate her with the sun (on the internet, anyways).

While I was searching, I stumbled across this girl's very amusing blog:

It captures the essence of highschool, and a little bit of that "highschool girl mean" ;-)

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