Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Did God create humans to be so mean to each other? Of course not.

"The couple decided they would not be getting pregnant again -- Gonzales had a surgical sterilization.

'Why on earth would she wanna risk that again? Because if -- if we were to have another child with a fetal abnormality, then we would have to go through all of this again. She barely got through it the first time,' Blackmon said.

'I couldn't be back there to support her in any way and she crumbled. And she could not take that again, nor could I, for that matter. I could never see my wife like that again,' Blackmon said in a group interview with the eight other men.

'And it wasn't until today that I spoke with all these men, 'cause men typically like to suppress things. We try to be strong for our women. But I didn't realize how much it affected me until today, and how much of it comes surging back to me,' Blackmon said."

By Nadine El-Bawab, Christina Ng and Tess Scott

'"Our hearts hurt'"


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