Monday, December 18, 2023

What a good dog!

An emotional support dog was helping a young man get through his grocery shopping trip today and it made my eyes well up as I went through the checkout line. Thank God not everyone believes they must act like General Patton in this lifetime.

Another mood:

A man was taking care of two girls who kept trying to get him to buy more stuff and he said "What were you thinking?" And "I'm about to strangle you," but it was all very ticklish and amusing.

And another mood:

There was a very nice Dad who went out of his way to tell me to go ahead of him in line because I only had a few items. 

And yet another mood:

"Made made made for the best delights!"  

while walking past the aisle of sugar!

Skating Polly - "Camelot (Official Video)" - YouTube

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