Thursday, November 23, 2023

And now, more peace again.

I am feeling good now, after being in some low places. I almost can't remember them now.

I would have been hospitalized in another time.

There were moments of not knowing why certain physical pains were happening, and also why did the universe arrange things in certain ways. For instance, it made feel like I was living a life that just around the corner from one lived by Anne & Margot (once again, I accidentally write 'Margaux' and then correct it) and it seemed like I was wired to  experience reality in ways that are different from some other people.

Me and boxes of flower essences and energy medicine exercises, just trying to get through things, as more and more "stuff" comes up.

And now I get to feel at peace and good and calm and committed to healing my body and her nervous system and it's such a blessing. I don't take calm, peaceful moments for granted. They are beautiful.

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