Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Hopefully a healthier future will not covet our socks

"'BPA comes from Big Oil and the petrochemical industry,' said Michael Green, CEO of CEH. 'Why are we digging up 500 million year old plants and animals, turning them into toxic chemicals, and adding them in our socks? Surely companies can make clothing like socks without toxic BPA.'"

"New Testing Shows BPA Could Be Leaching Into Our Skin From Socks"

"Research has shown that early life exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals like BPA can increase the risk of infants developing a range of diseases during childhood and later in adulthood. Exposure to these chemicals during critical periods of development can increase the risk of adverse health outcomes.

'BPA was originally designed as an estrogen,' said Tyrone Hayes, Professor of Integrative Biology at University of California, Berkeley. "Given the many adverse effects of exogenous estrogenic compounds, BPA should not be in our clothing, food packaging, or anything else that humans (or any animal for that matter) will come in contact with."

After months of testing, CEH sent legal notices to 54 companies whose socks had high levels of BPA in September. Already some companies are responding and working collaboratively with CEH to begin the process of removing BPA from their products."

"New Testing Shows BPA Could Be Leaching Into Our Skin From Socks"

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