Sunday, May 23, 2021

Smoke gets in the popcorn ceiling's...

A palo santo stick & things to color with

"Hemingway sipped gin..."

Couldn't find it, couldn't find it...Oh there it is.

D. Garner:

"There is excellent writing in this book about flying on Chinese airlines in the early 1940s, bouncing in the air 'like a butterfly in a hurricane.' Landing strips, when located, were lit by flare pots. On one flight Hemingway carried with him a folding menstrual cup, from which he sipped gin.

Gellhorn gives an account of using the toilet while on another flight in China. It was 'behind a green curtain' and 'gave a small circular view of the ground below.'

Some of this book's rolling comic tone comes from the author's experiences with toilets (or the lack of them) across remote regions. Inevitably they are either overflowing or the room has spiders; one loo 'ejects water at the sides.'

'I planned to go mad,' she writes after one filthy toilet experience. At another point, while in Chad, she reports, 'The latrine broke my lion heart.' She couldn't face it, so she wandered out on the sand in her nightgown.

Gellhorn was always on the lookout for epiphanies, and on this night she had one. She 'saw, drugged with sleep and shivering, the great African sky which I have been seeking -- a riot of stars, velvet black, felt as an arch, and the air seeming to glint with starshine.'

She loathed big-game hunters and all despoilers of nature. She was constitutionally anti-authority. 'I mistrust power for myself and everyone else, especially power bestowed by race, creed or color.'

Among her observations about the power dynamics in romance is that people are often pried apart by 'boredom, the real killer in human relations. We do not laugh at the same jokes. We bore each other sick.'

No one will have trips quite like these again. The world has become a smaller place; it is harder to get as thoroughly lost as Gellhorn frequently did. The size of her expense account with Collier's, necessary to escape from tough situations, will rarely be seen again either."

~ D. Garner,contains,Riding%20Shotgun%20on%20Martha%20Gellhorn%E2%80%99s%20Brave%20and%20Comic%20Adventures&mode=basic


"The tampons! The deforestation!"

~ D. Grossman Heinze

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