Monday, December 28, 2020

Notable tho

I wish I could carry more up but I will wait til the stairs aren't so slippery. Someone is playing "Heart of Glass" a bit too loud outside.

I left earlier than I needed to, and drove in worse weather conditions because I feel like there's some energy driving me out, an energy symbolized by a new coffee table book about an athlete and nice old Phil Jackson is on the cover of it, but not the main feature.

SO says to me "You have already talked to them about it." So I have.

They just do not care. At all. It is clear.

I told him about the true crime story I read, the underage criminals, the tortured teenage victim, the lack of punishment, the girl being blamed by the mother of the violator and the yakuza. I said it should not have to be that extreme to be considered a problem. And that I feel I am being driven out. That's how it feels. I also thought, if I ever have a kid...well, I cannot do all the work myself, but also cannot just trust anybody to help out. Have some foresight.

And, sorry I forgot to mention Daisy Coleman as well.

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