Thursday, March 05, 2020

What could make the world better?

"As for Elizabeth Warren? 'When I hear her talk, I want to slap her, even when I agree with her.'"

Internalized Misogyny is a sickness.

"Kate Manne, a philosopher at Cornell University, describes misogyny as an ideology that serves, ultimately, to reinforce a patriarchal status quo. 'Misogyny is the law-enforcement branch of patriarchy,' Manne argues. It rewards those who uphold the existing order of things; it punishes those who fight against it. It is perhaps the mechanism at play when a woman puts herself forward as a presidential candidate and finds her attributes—her intelligence, her experience, her compassion—understood as threats. It is perhaps that mechanism at play when a woman says, 'I believe in us,' and is accused of being 'self-righteous.'"

~ M. Garber

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