Sunday, September 08, 2019

Bye, school for military families!

“Most of our students don’t know what it’s like to live in a world without war, where you don’t have to worry about Mom or Pop being killed,” said Jane Loggins, a Fort Campbell teacher who is the director of the Federal Education Association’s Stateside Region, the teachers’ union for the Defense Department’s education system in the United States and Guam. “The one big benefit of this school is that we try to support all those emotional needs.”

In normal times, the Fort Campbell middle school project would have a powerful political ally in Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader. In a January op-ed in The Louisville Courier-Journal headlined “Here’s How Kentucky Families Benefit From McConnell’s Clout in D.C.,” Mr. McConnell boasted that he had “secured much-needed assistance for Fort Campbell, Fort Knox and the Blue Grass Army Depot, helping the men and women serving there keep America safe.”

But that was before Mr. Trump declared in February that there was a national emergency at the border with Mexico, allowing him to divert money from military projects without first getting approval from Congress. The next month, Mr. McConnell backed the president in a Senate vote on the national emergency declaration. (Kentucky’s other senator, the Republican Rand Paul, voted against Mr. Trump.)

~ H. Cooper

Hurting children in military families to prop up a narcissistic rapist liar's xenophobic whims is a thing now.

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