Tuesday, September 25, 2018

But this was kinda funny...

From: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35605491-landwhale

"As we swung our oars the wrong way for sixty minutes, the producers (also not sweating--what sort of genetic anomalies were we dealing with here? Do New Zealanders not have sweat glands?) followed us in another boat, bellowing instructions like 'Talk about the fifth graders who hate their bodies!' and 'You're going the wrong way again, Jes; try rowing backward!' Somehow, we managed to chat about how harmful it is to idolize one body type."

"At one point, she stopped rowing for a moment and somberly confessed, 'Sometimes, I wonder how many people I harmed by being visible and part of that idealized demographic.' I surveyed her for a moment, with her golden hair slightly moving with the wind (that I certainly didn't feel) and her long and slender arms clutching her stationary paddle."

"'Well, perhaps. You are a traditionally attractive person.' I stated the obvious nonchalantly while wiping the sweat out of my eyes, trying to say it in a complimentary way. "But this has been going on for centuries and is systemic . . . y'know?' I added desperately..." (J. Baker, page 9)

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