Friday, May 25, 2018

god, missed opportunities

I really should have given my measly change to the injured migrant worker guy. I should have said, hey, it sucks you have to hover outside this chicken place for food and then they won't even let you eat inside, but at least you're not Bernie Sanders' arch enemy! God I have taken the risk. Dear (crazy) Chicken Place, I was really disappointed that you charged regular prices on all your dishes even though you ran out of avocado, which practically every one of them has as part of the ingredients. I was also disgusted when I saw the employee wipe the cilantro off the counter back into the bin. How is that sanitary? But then, I was touched you gave the hungry guy food (for free I assume). But then you gave orders and kicked him out? What are your ethical principles? Where are your values? Really? He couldn't have just hunched over that little table by the trash can in his ragged clothing and eaten his "free food" and by the way you were overcharging all night on your avocado-less dishes. Wow.

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