Friday, January 12, 2018

Believing in getting better

Time to get better.
Get some sleep again.
I have a ways to go.

I would not be surprised if stress due to hormone imbalance can also make your body susceptible to other illnesses. I was cold and achy all night. I am still unwell, achy, sore throat, but the chills have decreased. So, progress...

When I saw OB-GYN, I showed her my app. She said, "Your cycles are not regular." She asked me why I had it. I said, mostly for pain management. I am in pain half the month.  She said regularly (not just sporadically) taking Met. and probiotics could help balance hormones, make cycles more regular, and decrease pain. I realized that I don't even know what a regular cycle is. I went off Met. before because of some side effects but she said I could take a lower dose of it. It sounds like a good thing to try...

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