Friday, January 23, 2015

Some thoughts

Shock does not look like what you think it might. It is not always some great screaming obvious performance, although it is sometimes. Something as small as a drop of water hitting a leaflet, that can shock a person. And that is even more shocking, because, what? It's just that? Shock is never forever. But it can last a long time. Shock can be gentle but persistent. That is very possible.

And it's weird that life can = shock, sometimes. I think I am a little bit shocked. I don't exactly know why. A personality that is still in control is in shock. Perhaps I/it will be unshocked soon. Maybe I'm not as shocked as I think I am. But still. It's not gone. Yet. Also, this is ridiculous. But that's how shock can work on a person. I am going to get out of it, though. And it is possible that shock is too strong of a word. However, it probably is accurate.

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