Monday, April 11, 2011

Songy things

I watched an author deconstruct how he feels about the song "Africa" by Toto. It was funny and yeah, I liked it growing up, too. Lots! And it totally deserved to be made fun of...watching the 80s video of the song reaffirmed this. Toto: Africa
Yesterday, as yet another wailing song by some guy singing about a girl who done him wrong came on the radio, I was feeling kvetchy. (I'd just seen a scene on some sci-fi fantasy show that ended with the hero punching the lights out of the sexy evil villian. But it was okay you know since he did it after he held a gun to her head, and he didn't really kill her, even though SHE wanted to kill HIM, and plus, you know, she writhing under him and being all sexy-acting.)
I said:
"I want there to be a song like this but it's about a girl singing to her ovary. And she's all like, 'oh, ovary, you cause me so much pain, but I just don't wanna give on on you, oh ovary, I just don't know what to do.' Just like the guy is wailing to that girl. There's plenty of ovarian pain out there in the universe so why haven't I heard of a song like that?
Just a thought.
Anyways...Steve Almond and Toto.
As a bonus, I'm going to read Super Hot Son-on-Mom Word Sex & Super Hot Prof-on-Student Word Sex.

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