Thursday, January 13, 2011

Intuition found in and away from "the lower 48"

Wanting to eat fish lately.
My sister and I once received an extra order of sushi rolls gratis. As I remember it, the girls at the restaurant said the chef had watched us as we waited and he could tell that I was an older sister taking care of the younger one, so he wanted to give them to us. That was his intuition. Intuition seems to figure in a passage from a newer book called Four Fish by Paul Greenberg. The author flies into a remote part of Alaska and meets a man who immediately seems "familiar," "a great bear of a man," "a kind of Nick Nolte of the North with a little more warmth and grit...He took a pause, stared down at the floor for a moment, and then looked up and appraised me with his head cocked at an angle. 'Boy, you look good here, Paul,' he said finally. 'You should stay.'" (page 21)

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